Saturday, 12 June 2010

Has it really been that long since I posted?

For those who don't know;
JB is the guy I was seeing.
The conversation of 'I don't really know what to say' ...'same :/'
Seems to have ended things, not a word from him since.
I'm going to catch you up on everything;
Up early, walked to train station (powerwalked 25mins)
On train, with J and O,
To a nearby town, for a college trip - a tour around a university, yay.
15mins walking to the Uni.
Got given a tour around, that place was shit.
But the tour was exercise, I guess that's a plus, as stairs were involved too.
Then had the option to go home, or hang around.
Er...home please.
15min power walk to station,
Train ride home,
25minute power walk home.
No house key; 1pm.
I had to stay outside for 3 hours,
Danced for 30minutes,
Folded newspaper for some art, for an hour.
And listened to music for the rest of the time.
From 3-4pm, it rained, I got soaked.
Evening came around, went for cruise with E and his mate Li,
Emma wasn't up for coming out, and had art work to do.
I was to scared to ask how the hospital trip went, and upset her that I didn't ask.
Cruise was good, went back to Li's
Played x-box, thrashed Li on Call of Duty, but sucked against E.
He was cuddled up to me, was real sweet.
Got dropped of 11:30pm, half hour late.
He gave me the most amazing hug, and kissed me on the cheek.
I was so happy, so, so happy :)
Made things up with Emma,
Walked to a mates, 25mins powerwalking,
Was good fun,
Until E texted me, telling me he was talking to his ex, she wanted him back.
Walked to nearby school, 15mins power walking,
Picked up neighbour, walked her home, 20mins walking.
Walked back to mates, 25mins powerwalking.
Got ready for the party, went to it 7:30pm,
Left at 9:30pm for a cruise with Emma, Li and hopefully E.
E couldn't make it.
Spent 3 hours cruising, went miles and miles and miles away, and back. I though i'd be late home (deadline 12pm) so told Mum I was at Emma's for the night, Emma was locked out, so didn't matter about an excuse for her, we had nowhere to go.
We would've wandered the streets, or found a hotel, but Li cottened on and took us back to his, we felt like we were intruding.
Emma had the couch and I had the floor, we chatted till almost 3am, about alsorts of stuff, before falling asleep.
Woke up at 8am, and eventually Li took us home for 10ish.
Emma and I met up today at Costa, after going to New Look.
(15mins Powerwalking)
I bought some new jeans,
Some skinny jeans...
Omg :P I'm so amazed, they fit PERFECTLY :D
...Went to Costa, went for a walk, went back to Costa,
Came home (15mins powerwalking)
Found out, E is back with his ex.
But he is still up for cruises etc.
I can win him over,
Atleast, I will try to :)
Trying to stay positive...
Food consumption;
2 quorn sausages (118)
Quorn Filet (94)
Quorn bacon pieces (50)
Strawberries (20)
Total = 282calories
0 calories (from food)
Same as Thursday, replacing strawberries with apple - (282-20)+100 = 362calories,
Along with some stewed apple and rubharb,
So, round about,
420calories in total.
Nice one :)
Out later with Li, and E. Time to start winning him over...wish me luck :)
Stay strong, sorry this is just a brief catch up,

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