Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Before I get stuck in with my artwork...

I though I would post ;)
I can't believe I have 13 followers!
I know, there are bloggers out there with 300+ followers, but to me, 13 is just as much of an achievement, and I feel bad when I don't post because I want to keep you entertained, and free from boredom xD
Especially as for me, the blogs I follow keep me smiling, keep me entertained, and keep my mind occupied - which in our world, where our mind is a whirlwind of food, fat, calories, exercise etc. a peaceful, relaxed mind, distracted mind, is hard to come across.
I think that's why I write so much, it keeps me distracted, and recording down my progress makes me happy and motivated.
An update from yesterday as my last post was only just after lunchtime;
I pretty much stayed on my computer all day, sorting out ipod songs, wondering if JB was going to text back, and attempting to do more artwork (in the 'love' research, I kissed the pages with lipstick and traced round them in black, they look cartoony and rather awesome :P)...
It got to around 8pm and I needed something to eat;
2 Quorn sausages (118)
Cauliflower (23)
Green Beans (25)
Peas (25?)
Total (191)
Plus the previous days total (Apple -100, Egg whites - 28, peach and handful raisins - 100 = 228)
Overall Total = 419 calories
Attempted to add some mild chilli powder (0) to see if it would have an effect (as we have no Jalapeno peppers - which i'm buying later today so it's hothothot and a good metabolism booster)... and it failed miserably xD. So sod the powder, I added herbs though (0) which was nice.
And I was under 500calories, which is good, I normally aim around there :)
Anyway, yesterdays weigh-in was; 105lbs
Even after the weekends INSANE calorie/fat amount.
BEFORE dinner,
I exercised (as I felt I should because I was taking in protein, and felt lazy waiting for it to cook, and thanks to art, my exercise (or lack of) had been appauling)
I did 200crunches, 50 situps, 300 elbow to knee crunches.
My Abs killed xD
Then I felt ok to eat protein, in the hope it would build the muscle there ;)
While my body burned fat off :)
1 Cinnamoned apple (100)
2 Eggwhites (28)
I am now on the laptop, soon to do more artwork (what a life I have xD) after this post,
Later today, I am popping down to the store to buy;
Jalapeno Peppers,
Powdered Cinammon
(the sticks are so annoying to crumble and I don't feel they have the same affect as I don't eat the pieces lol)
More Green Beans
Spinach Leaves
As after researching, I know these are all metabolism boosters :)
I may buy more quorn sausages too, but we have a lot of other quorn products I need to eat first... so probably won't lol,
I love quorn products, they're SO low calorie; one sausage (apple and pork flavour) = 59 cals!
It's amazing!
2 Quorn filets (94cals)
Anyway, later on that shopping trip will provide, 30mins power walking minimum.
Then home for a HOTHOTHOT (thank you Jalapeno Peppers!) dinner, which I won't finish, because it'll be too hot!
*Note to self; making a dish extra hot, makes it easier to not finish, and leave lots left ;)
Then i'm off for a sleepover between 6/7:oopm (I told them I'd be late so I could have dinner first, and can say it was HUGE and i'm too stuffed for ANYTHING :D)
I'll walk there - another 30mins of POWER walking.
Then we'll have an awesome evening (i'm sleeping over my old neighbours new house, the kids are 10 and 13, I know, i'm 17, but I have known them since birth, and 3 years of age, therefore the age difference really doesn't matter xD, H is the youngest, M is the oldest, and as they are younger, have more energy etc.) which will burn more calories then sitting at home on the laptop :)
Tomorrow morning at 11ish, I'm heading into town, meeting with Z at costa for a frescato (mango&passionfruit naturally :P), so that's 30minute power walk there, at 2:30pm, 20minute power walk home, then off to a nearby town with mum to buy fabric for a competition I'm entering.
It's to with fashion, and i'm making an awesome dress :)
YES, I want to be a fashion designer ;)
lol, anyway that will add MORE walking to my day, and i'm avoiding breakfast at my mates in the morning, seeing as I won't be able to have what I planned, (although I may allow myself a piece of fruit)... then when I get home, I will make another HotHot dish :)
So plenty of exercise next 2 days, which to me, won't even feel like exercise, as it's just walking quickly, I have an aim, a place to go, and will have my music from my ipod... I prefer exercise with an aim, rather then to just lose weight/build muscle... (I know that's an aim, but in a different way), as I like knowing i'm doing something, and don't get bored quick. Whereas out exercising, if i'm literally just walking, i'll think that anyone watching will know I am not heading anywhere, and they'll think I'm wierd... Also I get really bored, whereas if I'm heading somewhere, I think about what i'm going to do/get and where i'm going to go. If I think to much when walking no where, I stop and sit down to relax and think, which defeats the object of exercising (although still keeps me away from food)....
This morning I am 104.5lbs
So 0.5lb weightloss.
Hope it's better by tomorrow!
Weight is getting harder to lose now :(
Anyway, i've 20 days now, to lose 13.5lbs
That's on average less then a lb a day,
So i'm heading in the right direction :)
Must dash now, art awaits ;)
Stay strong!

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