Saturday, 15 May 2010

Dad's a moody old arse.

Hahahah, so I thought i'd start with that...My window is open, he is in the garden and shouted... Dad:'can you come and do me a favour?'
Dad:'can you come and wipe this car grease off my face? I can't see where it is'
Me:'Why can't you come inside and look in a mirror?'
Dad:'Because i'm waiting for a phonecall from your mother'
Me:'Why do you need to be outside for that?'
Dad:'Oh forget it. Not like I ever do anything for you...'
I didn't answer, just wrote a blog instead on the moody old arse that he is xD.

*long pause as I have to go downstairs anyway to talk to mum on the phone*

She's bought me a new dress! Apparently gran and her thought it would look gorgeous on me, and they HAD to buy it. Well i'm not complaining, except that i'm fasting and it may be too big xD hahahaha. It's a surprise, she won't tell me what it looks like though, so i'll update that tomorrow when she gets back (she is staying at my grandparents - who are her parents - for the night)... Gawd, I had to wipe that stupid grease off his face seeing as I was downstairs anyway. Lazy fat arse.

Anyway, today was great; went into town, saw Emma. Went to Costas, and we had mango&passionfruit frescato's (?). I allow these on fasts as they are basically fruit juice whizzed with ice, so nothing too bad. Besides, having something infront of Emma makes her feel better about me, even though it's not food... It was my choice to go to Costa, as we always used to, and hadn't been in a while, and with everything going on, some normality was needed.

We chatted and had a laugh, and few sad moments, but all in all a very good time. After a few hours, she popped to Iceland and bought some alcohol, while I went to Sainsbury's for that oh-so important Cranberry juice! Hopefully it will work and I can say Aufwiedersehen to the UTI!

Anyways, i'm home now, and have guzzled a fair bit of it... lol (approx. 200)...although i'm not fussed on the calories in liquids, and especially not something that could clear an infection!
If the UTI is what I have...
In 25mins, another friend, who we shall call Lola, is coming over - she is another one of my best, best, best friends :). And we are together walking to another friends house, and us three are walking to a meeting place, meeting with 4 or 5 others, maybe more if they bring people, and having a good ol' catch up/drinking session :P
Which I am looking forward to...except for the calorie intake...but normally when drinking I wake up lighter, most likely from all the running/dancing I do when drunk, as it basically burns off everything I consume :) hahha. Then will be home for 11:30pm. Must act SOBER when I get back, so parents don't know (they think Lola and I are going to the other friends house for a girly catch up there - with lots of food involved...), as they don't like me drinking much (although they are slowly getting used to it as they become more aware of how often I actually drink, and how I really don't care what they think)...

Anyways, I must be off, need to try and look decent for tonight, but must wrap up warm, I get cold in breezes, so a night in a field will have me chilled to the bone if i'm not careful!

One more thing though, my favourite thinspiration, I don't know who this girl is, but I wish I was her, she is SO skinny, and gorgeous! What do you think?

Stay strong :)


  1. hey hun (:
    reading trhough blogs before i leave till friday. It was ncie to see a german word in your post ("aufwiedersehen") :D haha.
    Hope you have a great night and a lot of fun :)
    I'm proud of you doing so great (:
    The girl looks awesome.
    One day you'll look better than her, don't you think? you've such a beautiful face x)
    stay strong love xoxo

  2. Awww thankss xxxx
    Aha yeah i thought i'd add that in there :) i do love some of the german language :)
    Thanks it wasn't bad, i got to tipsy ish and actually stopped drinking because Ana screamed at me over the calories, was wierd.
    Thanks, I would love to look as good as her, and if i ever looked better..
    Well, would be a dream come true!
    Stay strong gorgeous,
