Sunday, 16 May 2010

It's 2am xD

Well this is random, internet was meant to go off at 11:45pm, but mum fell asleep and never turned it on, not that i'm complaining!
I have mild insomnia,
Oh the joy,
Can't sleep, won't sleep...sometimes feel tired,
In fact, it's normally about now that I stop doing art, and sleep,
However I have done no art today, and have already slept, so i'm now wider awake then ever.
I got a drink about 30mins ago, the effort to get that re-awoke me even more,
My god, i'm a freak,
A lazy,
Rather disgusting,
But I can cope with that. At least I can change the fat part about me,
I love being a freak.
I put my Cranberry juice in the fridge earlier,
Mum will wonder where that came from,
Obviously i'll say it's a wierd craving i'm having - I bought it.
She won't care, she'll laugh, and not care.
Thank goodness my mum is used to my cravings and food phases.
Makes Ana easier sometimes.
So I was bored, and spoke to a [HOT] guy on facebook, for the first time since primary school,
He's rather nice,
Gorgeous too,
But i'm seeing someone, and shouldn't think things like that,
But, he is hot.
And friendly :)
We didn't have any awkward chat moments,
I was worried it would be a;
hey, you ok?
Not bad, you?
Yeah i'm great thanks, wubu2?
Not much you?
[End of conversation]
Type of conversation.
But it wasn't :)
Actually, spoke about college, then flirted a tad when I said brb, and commented how I was more awake afterwards, and that I had honestly just gone to get a drink ;)
I'll speak to him again soon I think.
I shouldn't,
But curiosity is my middle name,
and will one day kill me,
Like it did that cat.
Curiosity killed the cat.
An odd phrase that,
Will get the better of me.
But i'm like that,
I fill my life with risks,
Sometimes subconsciously ruin it on a purpose,
A new kind of self harm,
With more serious consequences.
Random huh?
I guess my thoughts are more spread out at 2:15am
I'm going to do art now.
Till atleast 3am,
I have to be up at 8:30, maybe 9:00am.
If I get ready quick,
Got to wash my hair though,
So maybe alarm for 8:30am is a good idea,
I'll set it now.
*Alarm Set*
3am, till then, is 5 1/2 hours sleep,
That's plenty,
My normal is 6,
So really, not missing out on much.
Night again,
Stay strong


  1. haha i know, the littlest things will keep me awake.
    i'll be sooo tiired, drag myself the meter or so to the bathroom, and then i crawl back into bed, NOPE not gonna happen. =P

    i've been napping off and on today because i pulled an allnighter, and got totally trashed at 4am xD
    soo i am not sleeping normally.

    good luck with the art
    you're a stronger person than i am, i can't concentrate on work 0.o

  2. Haha xD
    Omg I so did NOT do any art xD
    I flicked through my book, realised i'd done more then I thought, and said 'sod it' I'll sleep instead xD
    Haha I always find that the day after, the day after an all nighter is the worst day xD
